Early Summer Weeds


In April, May and June keep weeding – now is the time to get the perennial weeds out of your borders.

Here are some early summer weeds and how to tackle them. You should get started on: 

This is the ‘lesser Celandine’ – a type of buttercup which once established will take over your garden. Fine under hedges or trees but not for your borders. Crush leaves and apply Round up and then after a week dig up to ensure you get all the little bulbs and roots. If you leave any it will come back!  


This is the ‘Willowherb’ which is a perennial weed and grows rapidly to produce one-metre tall flowers full of projectile seeds. You must get the roots out so dig quite deep and pull it out.


This is real nightmare – ‘Bittercress’ – produces white flowers before anything else flowers and the seeds set early to produce new weeds all summer. Dig it out with a trowel and watch for new plants before they get too big.

If you can, put your weeds in your Council garden bin so they can compost at the very high temperatures needed to kill weed seeds.

If not don’t put in your compost bin, as they will certainly reseed in your compost.

A new article on the website will include Bindweed, Mares Tail, Comfrey and nettles.

PS – Pictures of weeds were taken in several gardens – they will pop up everywhere, even in the best looked after gardens! 

Keep gardening! 
