Weeds In Your Lawn


Several garden makers have asked how to get rid of weeds such as dandelions and Celandinein your lawn. You must use a weed killer especially for lawn weeds or you will kill your lawn! This is a chemical product called Weedol - for lawn weeds - don’t use “Round up “. You can buy Weedol it in a spray for spraying clumps of weeds directly or in a general lawn product called “Weed and Feed “.  If you have a new lawn you should use the spray “Weedol” but if you have a lot of weeds go for the “Weed and Feed”. 

If you also have moss then you can get a product to kill weeds and moss - and fertilise the lawn.  If you have very few weeds you could dig them out with a trowel. If you have trees growing in your lawn be careful about using the Weed and Feed as it might affect the roots and compromise their growth. 

If you cut your lawn regularly this will certainly help to get on top of weeds as they will give up as you regularly cut the grass.

Daisies and clover are two plants which will attract insects to your garden so they can be kept in the lawn but do be careful as they can take over! 

If you want a “wild flower meadow “ you need to plan now for next year as this type of lawn is the most difficult to achieve – let me know if you want a wild flower meadow and I can come and help you achieve this.

Happy gardening! 
